IMUNOLOGIE, Carte de lucrări practice pentru studenții anului III
February 13, 2020Melatonina
February 13, 2020Cardiovascular System Physiology A Practical Approach
Autor coordonator: Ana-Maria Zăgrean
Autori: Mihaela Popescu, Bogdan Pavel, Radu Braga
Titlu: Cardiovascular System Physiology A Practical Approach
Apărut: Februarie 2020
Pagini: 179
ISBN: 978-606-011-122-1
Structura pe capitole:
1. Myocardium Properties - the Automatism and Rhythmicity of the Heart (Ana-Maria Zăgrean)
2. Myocardial Excitability. Action Potential in the Cardiac Fibers (Ana-Maria Zăgrean)
3. The Cardiac Cycle and Methods of Investigation (Mihaela Popescu
4. Echocardiography (Mihaela Popescu)
5. The ECG - Basic Concepts and Interpretation of Normal ECG (Mihaela Popescu)
6. The ECG - Practical and clinical aspects (Mihaela Popescu)
7. Evaluation of the heart as a pump (Bogdan Pavel)
8. Hemodynamics (Radu Braga, Mihaela Popescu)
9. Systemic Heart Interactions (Bogdan Pavel)