Chirurgie cervico- faciala
March 20, 2016Al 8-lea Simpozion National de Patologie – Medicina de Precizie
March 20, 2016Acute pancreatitis-clinical and paraclinical approach based on determinants
Daniel Cochior
Silviu Constantinoiu
Acute pancreatitis-clinical and paraclinical approach based on determinants
“Acute pancreatitis-clinical and paraclinical approach based on determinants” is signed by Professor Daniel Cochior, PhD and Professor Silviu Constantinoiu, PhD, with the help of a valuable group of collaborators, surgeons and anesthesiologists. The main scientific goal of the book is to facilitate the implementation in current practice of a revised classification of clinical systems of acute pancreatitis, based on recent imaging methodology, new information on the natural history of the disease and a deeper understanding of the intimate pathophysiological mechanisms in its different phases of evolution.